
Following our third AGM we welcome our new Board

Following our third AGM we welcome our new Board including our Executive Committee - Albert Bifet & Richard Green who were re-elected as Co-Chairs, Julian Maclaren & Mengjie Zhang who were re-elected as Co Deputy Chairs, Gill Dobbie - Treasurer, Fangfang Zhang - Secretary, Varvara Vetrova - Diversity Chair, and Dr. Dwain Allan + Paul Brown as our Tangata Whenua representatives.

The wider board includes Seyed Reza Shahamiri, Bing Xue, Thomas Li, Mahsa Mohaghegh, Bernard Pfahringer, Ruili Wang, Prof Sandhya Samarasinghe, Stephen Cranefield, Mike Watts, Dr Chen Wang, Vithya Yogarajan, PhD, Ronnie Paguia, Alvaro Orsi, Daniel Wilson, William Liu, Phil MOUROT, Todd Cochrane

Congratulations all!